Prior to any Photoshoot having an idea as to what you are after is the key. Saying that you must have in mind a budget : what will the images be used for – Marketing, Web, Print, Banner’s, etc.
Naturally the budget is a key factor, by briefing Matt exactly what your requirements are he will be able to guide you in the right direction for the Photoshoot. Taking snap shots with your phone or camera for ideas is always a great idea, so Matt has a better understanding of the way your thinking. Cut outs from magazines or image grabs from the internet is also a great way to get across your ideas.
If your really not sure what your after then that’s where Matt will come with some great ideas and possibilities for the Photoshoot.
Communication is such a vital key and by having all information needed Matt will create some amazing images for your project that will stand out from the crowd.
Once the Brief is in place, then it’s time to prepare for the Photoshoot…